
Charlottetown Cricket Club at Victoria Park, 1884

Charlottetown Cricket Club at Victoria Park, 1884

Cricket was one of the earliest competitive games in Charlottetown. The first Cricket match was played in “the field of Mr Cantelo” between military personnel and some of Charlottetown’s gentlemen.  The sport was generally the domain of the wealthier class in Charlottetown. It was ao popular that the Charlottetown Cricket Club was formed on April 9, 1850.The sport’s popularity began to row and when Victoria Park opened in 1873, a Cricket Field was part of the plan. In June of 1884, when Prince George (the future King George V), came into port as a midshipman on board the Canada, he joined in the cricket games in Victoria Park (left).

Although Cricket’s popularity seemed to wane  throughout the late 19th and early 20th century, in recent years it has enjoyed a resurgence in interest.

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